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Here's how wizard mana total supply is divided

1 000 000 000 (1 billion)
Total supply

$WIZM airdrop

12.5% of $WIZM total supply will be airdropped/rewarded to the #wizardgang over the years. The largest allocation at once, 1%, will be airdropped to our early community in the first airdrop round.

$WIZM roadmap

Introduction to $WIZM

It's time for aiwizard to make the leap into web3. The $WIZM (wizard mana) token will power everything on aiwizard.

From submitting your AI products on one of aiwizard's directories, to using our own current and upcoming AI tools in the aiwizard spellbook - $WIZM will enable it all.

AI tool owners are already incentivized to list their AI tools on aiwizard - we:

  • are live since 2023 March
  • have 800+ AI tools listed, reviewed & tutorial created in our directory
  • have hundreds of people using our own AI tools in the aiwizard spellbook daily
  • are getting thousands of visitors from search engines per day

Check out our live traffic analytics.

IDO date is to be announced. Find info about tokenomics, usecases and roadmap below.

Join the wizardgang Telegram group for updates or if you have questions to the team.